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"Buchanan's flair for addressing emotional dilemmas captivates."
A Sean McPherson Novel
Book #4
When a human trafficking ring kidnaps PI Sean McPherson's pregnant wife, McPherson learns the lines he'll cross. Because when a person has it all, they have everything to lose.
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"Strap in. Brace yourself. And remember to breathe."
—Feathered Quill
A Sean McPherson Novel
Book #1
A Sean McPherson Novel
Book #2
A Sean McPherson Novel
Book #3
"A literary mixologist, Buchanan expertly blends crime thriller, private investigator mystery, detective fiction, and police procedural. Then shaken, not stirred, adds a twist and serves it up for readers to sip and savor."
—Biblio Bartender, Sapphire Room, The Riverside Hotel, Boise, ID
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